Jumat, 19 Agustus 2016

Rabbit Glossary II

Rabbit Glossary Session II

This is a glossary of word and terms specific to rabbit and rabbit showing. these are not necessarily the dictionary definition. And following which the 2nd session of Rabbit Glossary.

Bell Ears - Ears that have large, heavy tips with a distinctive fall or lop.
Belly - The abdomen, from the last rib to the pelvis, containing primarily the organs of digestion.
Belly Color - The color on the underside of the rabbit extending from the forelegs to the crotch area.
Blaze - The white marking found on the face of a Dutch. it should be medium wide and wedge shaped, covering the nose, whisker bed, and tapering up to the ears, where it joins the hair line. the blaze is to continue to the cheeks and should be well rounded and follow the jaw line after passing the whisker bed.
Blemish - Any defect or fault which detracts from the appearance.
Bloom - The vitality and finish of a coat in good condition.
Bob Tail - A tail noticeably shorter than normal. A disqualification from competition.
Boil or Abscess - A localized are of inflammation caused by an infection under the skin, in a gland, or in hair follicle. It may produce localized swelling, heat, and redness. It is sometimes characterized by swollen, inflamed tissue, where pus gather. A disqualification from competition.
Bone - The term used to describe the skeletal structure of a rabbit.
Boots - The colored markings on the feet and legs of Pointed Pattern rabbit.
Bowed Legs - May be applied to the fore or hind legs. Bent like a bow; Legs that are curved outwardly or inwardly from the middle. A disqualification from competition.
Breed - A class of domestic rabbit that reproduce itself with distinctive characteristics, such as fur, markings, shape, and size.
Breeder - 
1. Anyone who raises a breed of variety rabbit which complies with the Standard of Perfection.
2. A rabbit used primarily to produce offspring.
Breeding Certificate - A written certificate, issued by the owner of a stud buck, showing its pedigree and the date of breeding to a particular doe. It is issued proof of the ancestry of the anticipated litter.
Brindle - An intermixture of two colors without definite pattern
Brindling - The longer tan tipped guard hair carried up he flanks and hindquarters of Tan Pattern rabbit.
Broken Coat - Fur with guard hairs missing or broken, exposing the undercoat. A coat is the affected by molt, exposing the undercoat.
Buck - An intact male rabbit
Buck Teeth - See wolf teeth. A disqualification from competition.
Bull dog Head - A short, broad, bold head, with a definite masculine appearance.
Butterfly - A nose marking found on some marked breeds and Broken varieties. The wings portion cover the whisker bed and upper lip, with the body or nose fork extending up the center of the face.
Butting Teeth - A form of malocclusion, where the incisors meet evenly, without the upper incisors overlapping the lower incisors in proper structure. A disqualification from competition.
Caked Teat or Breast - The swollen, hard, milk-filled mammary gland caused by excess production of milk.
Cap - The marking where lower ear color stop ad joins head color. Specified in the Checkered Giant.
Carriage - 
1. The manner in which a rabbit carries itself. The style or characteristic pose of a rabbit.
2. The style in which a rabbit carries its ears.
Cataract - An opaque or white lens in either or both eyes. A disqualification from competition.
Chain - The arrangement of the spot on an English Spot, running from the neck to the midsection.
Charlie - An extremely lightly marked animal in marked breed or Broken Group. A Charlie usually has colored ears, light eyes circles, and a " Charlie Chaplin" mustache-like marking. it is usually devoid of back and side markings.

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